Thursday, February 08, 2007

pre bob day '07

last night was a total blast.. it was pre bob day fest and was celebrated by reggae enthusiasts at club vudu.

pre bob day fest is like a post even for the preparation of the upcoming Bob Marley Day which will be this March 24th. this year there will be two pre bob fests happening and last night was the first kick out of the said event.

there were 6 bands who performed last night..

*Pitch Melba
*Island Joe
*Jr Kilat

but the most anticipated band of the night was the reunion of one of the foundation of local reggae industry and i say the "the Father of Reggae in Cebu", HERBS. they were the high light and the main band of the night and i just couldnt get enough of their performance. Herbs is like one of my ideal and most respected band here in Cebu and last night, i saw them in front of me, i just dreaming or what!you could really see the people having fun and how they miss the band.yes its been like 3 yrs since they went separate ways. but last nighyt it was there get together and they still are rockin high.

next pre bob day, ive got to check it guys out there too must do check it out..

bands performing:

*Potent Bush
* Skankinbrews( ahemm..hehe)
and many more..

location: the outpost

the show ended and it was time for us to go home. and i felt so hungry..huhuhu

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